Before you proceed reading this article make sure that the error that you have is 4756 "Invalid Fill" or "Change Order Filling Mode" error, since there could be different type of 4756 errors (like trade disabled or not enough money). If you don't have the one that it is mentions in this article, please write us an email at providing a screenshot of the error that you have.
In order to be to solve this error messagge you need to access to our parameters (you can do it by pressing the F7 button on your keyboard or by right clicking on your chart -> experts -> properties)
After that you need to find the parameters shown in the picture below and change the order filling mode with either IOC or FOK

In order to be to solve this error messagge you need to access to our parameters (you can do it by pressing the F7 button on your keyboard or by right clicking on your chart -> experts -> properties)
After that you need to find the parameters shown in the picture below and change the order filling mode with either IOC or FOK
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